Monday, May 10, 2010

Nail biting problem. HELP!?

I have a really bad nail biting problem. I just can't stop. It's been worse for the past few years. I bite them down to nubs. My thumbs are the WORST! I already know about the gross nail polish, but I heard it doesn't really work on severe nail biters. Do you guys have ANY suggestions?Nail biting problem. HELP!?
You've got to start in stages. Tell yourself that this week you will NOT bite your pinky nails. And then once you've acheived that, celebrate! Then decide that you're not going to bite your ring fingernails. Then once that is achieved, celebrate! And so on.

Do you usually bite your nails at certain times? I used to bite mine when I was bored, my mom bites hers when she reads. If you are doing it at a certain time then be aware of that, and it will help you stop.

I put a bandaid, or a piece of tape around whichever fingernail was my current goal. Then I couldn't physically get my teeth to it, and that was a constant reminder in case I started biting something else.

If it is truly a habit, you'll have to take small steps. Be happy with each one! Good luck!Nail biting problem. HELP!?
I think I might be able to help each other could you please drop me an email as I'm doing a project on stress and nail biting if you are interested to help.
you bite your nails for two reasons :

1- you may be anxious or stressed or went through a hard time that developed this habbit for you .

2- you used to do it just to amuse yourself then you got used to it .

try to relax %26amp; do things that require manual labor for some time

if that didn't work , go to see a doctor ..

Good Luck
It's a psychological response to stress. Get rid of your stress first, then use the nail polish to get rid of the habit. Go see a therapist, don't feel bad, you're not crazy, but they do know how to get your stress levels down, and that is the first step. Good luck.
If you are sensitive to hot things you might try dipping your fingers in jalapeno juice (course you don't want to rub your eyes, pick your nose or touch your genitals since it will burn like all heck). Jalapeno oil sticks around for a while so it keeps your hands nice and hot. The other suggestions are very good as well in the reguards of destressing your life. What has changed in the last couple of years that has caused you undue stress (new baby, new mate, new job, new apt.) then figure a way to work around it that doesn't leave you stressed.
if i were you id wear gloves or wrap some see through tape around your nails so no one thinks your a weirdo
well first go buy a stress ball and use that when ever you have the urge to bite your nails

there is nail applicant that when you put on to prevent you from bitting them
Have you tried hypnosis? Works for lots of people.
Most people bite their nails (and even the skin around them) as a result of anxiety. You need to find out what you are anxious about and deal with that first.

You could also have a friend or family member point out every time they find you biting your nails. Getting caught in the act and being centred out might be enough to at least cut down on the habit. Or, try bandaids--they'll keep you from getting at your nails.

Hope This Helps, I Have The Same Problem!

Good Luck!
Dip your fingers in arsenic every 2 minutes.
I wore gloves for a looong time.

Kept suckers and gum around for the oral fixation.

Keep them trimmed short so you can't get a grip and for the love of god man, stay away from your cuticles.

Also, keep a snug elastic band around your wrist and when you go for your little piggies, give yourself a good, hard snap.
Wrap your fingertips in a little bit of tape, its less noticable than gloves.
You can try putting cod liver oil on your fingernails. It is gross and the first time you bite that you will change your mind. That is how I stopped biting mine.

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