Monday, May 10, 2010

Problem with my left hang index finger nail?

so; I cut my nails yesterday. On my left hand I cut my nail a bit short. Today I tried to open a soda can and my nail got the force of it; it unattached the skin on the tip (under my nail) from the nail. it really hurts, what can I do about it?Problem with my left hang index finger nail?
OUCH!!!!!!! I feel your pain. Not much you can do though. It just has to heal like any cut on the skin. Maybe some ice can help with the pain. Sorry.Problem with my left hang index finger nail?
neosporin and a band aid tell it grows some..
All you can really do i ice it, protect it from any other wear, and if it looks like it is getting infected, see the doctor.
Put on some antibiotic pain-killer liquid, you can buy at the pharmacy. Put a Band-Aid on it, pretty tightly. Don't cut off the circulation, but almost. That will hold it together so it won't hurt so much.
Make sure you keep your hands clean to prevent infection, try not to use the finger with the bad nail and cover it if you need to. You can also go to the closest Pharmacy to you and talk to a Pharmacist on regards to what you can do to prevent infection.
wait for it to grow.

Band-aids are always nice!

And put the neosporin on it too, so then it wont get infected. =)

hope it feels better soon!
yeah make sure you don't put too much pressure on it (or cut off the circulation) and keep it from getting infected. luckily the pain usually goes away pretty quick
put a bandaide on it to protect it from further damage. then it will heal on its own

peroxide everyday.

soak it in ice cold water with a little alcohol in it.

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