Monday, May 10, 2010

Nail biting problem!!!?

I think nail biting is annoying and my sister is always biting her nails. I used to then I realized how disgusting it was and I just stopped. We've tried so many things to help her stop, anything else we can do?!Nail biting problem!!!?
I used to bite my nails and one day I let one of my pinkie fingernail grow out and it looked really pretty, soon I let the other grow out and then finally stopped because I wanted all my nail to look pretty. I chewed on toothpicks (not in public please lol) and eventually I stopped that too.Nail biting problem!!!?
I always used to bite my nails, but then my friend had a nail party and I couldn't really get involved, so I decided to stop.

None of the sprays or polishes ever used to work for me, so I grew my nails on one hand and let myself bite the other. When I saw how good it looked on one hand, it motivated me to stop completely.
I used to do the same thing! Here's what you do: There is this spray stuff (you can get it at wal-mart, petco, pet quarters etc. ) it's supposed to stop puppys from chewing stuff but it works. If you spray it on your nails, it tastes awful. Spray it on her nails, so the next time your sister goes and chews her nails she'll get a nasty taste and will learn not to! Hope this helps!!! :)
You could tell her that, that's disgusting, and nasty, and it makes your nails look really, really gross. I don't know, or you could spray like nail polish remover all over her fingers and when she tries she would taste how bad the nail polish remover is and stop?
i used to always bite my nails and ive always liked long nails, i thought i would never stop my bad habit..i started polishing my nails and instead of biting them i would scratch of the nail polish then i just got used to not biting them..
Nothing works. I've tried everything. Just learn to mind your own business.

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