Saturday, January 23, 2010


ok first question

i can like not stop biting my nails

i don't bit it down to the bone

i just bite it until there is no white tip

do you understand me?

can you please give me some tips on how i can stop biting my nails

now the second question

how do i make my nails grow

i know there are some nail polishes tht i can use but is there any other way

i wash the dishes like everyday too

so please help me i want to be able to paint my nails

i cnt even get a french manicure

pls pls pls pls help2 QuESTIONS IN ONE!!! [[NAIL PROBLEM]]?
ok ... i use to bit my nails all the time! i bit the the white tip of my nail would me gone it was so gross! as i got older i eventually stoped. when i was younger...well im now 13, i painted my nails all the time! so if i did bit my nails i tasted the polish and it's yuck! i also chewed a lot of gum...that helped a lot!

best of luck=D

hope i helped=D2 QuESTIONS IN ONE!!! [[NAIL PROBLEM]]?
wow, read as ';anal problem';, phew

wear gloves all the time, get some light, air circulating gloves and that should be the end of that
First off, you need a reason why you want to stop. Obviously, here, you're wanting to...but is it because you think it's an icky habit or because you want beautiful, luxurious nails? Or simply strong nails?

Even though your nails are currently bitten down, try to give yourself a manicure--or if it is in your budget go to a nail salon. [Not a french manicure; with the current state of your nails, this will not look flattering.] You should try, with an emery board/nail file, to even out the tip of your nail as much as you can so it does not look ragged; if you go to a salon, your manicurist will do the same. Look up how to give yourself a manicure if you don't know how to do it yourself.

Bask in the beauty of your nails! That will discourage you from biting your polished nails. Avoid changing your polish any more than once in a week, because nail polish remover can be harsh on both your nails and your hands. On top of that, there are polishes out there that are bitter or sour that leave a foul taste in your mouth when you try to nibble. If my first suggestion doesn't work, then definitely look into deterrents such as Kick the Habit.

Now, if you can curb your nail-biting habit, you'll be pretty surprised on how quickly your nails grow. I personally haven't noticed TOO much in the way of results from the topical growth treatments [polishes] for your nails unless they're simply strengtheners/hardeners. For growth, you need to need to be sure your diet has lots of Vitamins D, C, and E as well as calcium and Omega 3 found in fish oil supplements-I suggest picking up a standard multivitamin to achieve this. [Don't be put off by Fish Oil if you haven't used it before--it's in a tablet or gel-tab just like any other vitamin and no, you can't taste it] Most Vitamin companies actually have a suite that is directly for the purpose of nail and hair growth. If you can stomach a glass of milk a day, drink one! It will help.

Wear gloves [they make some that aren't so bulky and awkward, now!] when you do dishes or are involved with any sort of harsh chemicals [bleach, household cleaners] that can and will make your nail weak. Do not get artificial nail enhancements such as acrylics, gels, or even the cheap press-ons from the drug-store. Gel nails can be beautiful, but with all artificial nail enhancements there is a price-the health of your natural nail. $100 for the initial set plus at least $30 fills is not financially would be better to use grow them out naturally so you can say, ';I don't need that fake stuff.';

Use the pads of your fingers for typing, dialing phones, etc-not your nails! Despite that previous statement, LIGHTLY tapping your nails on a hard surface occasionally [desk, etc] has, in some people, shown to promote growth. I have no idea why, but I have read it in several places and it seems to be the case for me as well. Emphasis on lightly, there, though! Also, avoid using the tips of your nails as tools for picking things up or opening cans; slide things into your hand and use the side of your finger to pop a can open.

Once your nails do start growing out, file them into a workable shape for you. Don't let them just grow out ridiculously; a couple millimeters of white at the tip is good; a lot of people like an oval or squared-oval shape for their nails, but a good rule-of-thumb is to go by the shape of your cuticle. Then, really, it's just keeping them looking nice by weekly or, at that point, bi-weekly manicures will keep your nails lovely and you definitely won't want to be biting them, then! [A salon manicure a week would probably kill most of our budgets, so maybe a salon once a month or once every two months, and then you do the maintenance in-between.]

Good luck!
they make this really nasty tasting nail polish that you put on your nails and when you bite them it is like super disgusting and you feel like your gonna throw up. If you wear that it should help you break your habit.
well, if you go into a pharmacy there is something where you paint your nail with a clear coat and it help you stop biting your nails

then you can try taking vitamins, my moms nails are so long and it looks healthy
your the only one who can stop biting your nails.. no one is gona make you. So just remind yourself not to everytime you feel them in your mouth or tell your friends or relatives to remind you. This should also be your answer for the second question too. IF you stop biting them they will grow.
well there is this stop nail biting polish that you put on your nails and everytime you bite them they just taste so nasty so it makes you stop.

and if you want them to better stop BITING them.

biting your nails will not make them grow.

also like you said there is the nail polish that is called ';quick-grow'; and it grows your nails quickly.

then you can always go and get some gel tips at the salon but cost-wise your looking at around $100 at a cheap place.

but they look gorgeous
okayy, i no this might sound disgusting but try putting somthing u dnt like the taste of on ur nails or soap this way it will taste gross and u wont bite them.

Or go on the website i added at bottom (its very helpful)

2nd Q: I use a nail growth i got from boots, its really good but except not biting them i dnt thinks theres another way for them 2 grow

:) hope i helped x
Put some nail polish on it and and then when you go to bite it, it will taste horrible, i used to have the same problem.

And to the seconds question, i sometimes use this nail polish stuff called

' ORIFLAME GROWTH BOOSTER ' i'm not sure where you can get it from, but if you have a look on the internet you might be able to find it.

Good luck =)
I stopped biting my nails by realizing that I knew I was doing it. When you are about to bite your nails, look at them and say, I want long pretty nails, I'm not going to bite them. I know that sounds really dumb, but it really did work for me. I also found that a lot of the reason was I needed to do something with my hands, because I am figity. So carry a stressball, play doh, something along those lines to occupy your hands. Good luck, its really not that hard. After a week you most likely won't go back!

From what ive heard, and I have never done this myself, since I don't bite and my nails grow fast, olive oil helps them grow quickly, as in submurge your nails in it for a few minutes. I can't confirm that with personal experience, but other girls have told me they swear by it.
A lot of people bite their nails just like you. Buy some clear nail polish and put it on your nails so that when you bite them it will taste nasty and you'll stop. They also sell nail polish specifically for nail-biting issues at most drugstores.

There's no way to make your nails grow faster other than eating healthy foods like veggies and fruits, and taking care of them. Clip them a little bit so they grow straighter.
Go to walmart and buy the nail polish that says KICK the HABIT. It's clear and it's especially made for that problem. You need to take vitamins... it sounds nasty but the vitamin in fish oil makes both your nails and hair grow.

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