Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nail growth problem?

i dont really know how to explain this but i have finally stoped biting my nails and their pretty long but the white tips of them starts from really low, and its sort of getting worse.

if you understand my question please help and give me some suggestions thanksNail growth problem?
Go get a manicure , that will even off everything ,also allways take vitimins for hair %26amp; nailsNail growth problem?
Here are some ways to grow nails faster:路

Drinking milk is good, as it contains calcium路

Some people advise to take prenatal vitamins for hair and nail growth路

Proper diet with green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and fruits would also help nail growth路

Massage your nails with olive oil.
Hello, i am a qualified nail technician and i see alot of nail biters. In general it takes about 6 months for the nail bed to fully grow out. I think in this time the nail bed will attatch itself properly but this depends on if there isnt any permanent damage to the nailbeds. There is a fantastic product available here is Australia to help build healthy nails called ';Revitanail'; by Dr. Lewin im not sure if its available to you. Do consider Acrylic nails as a short term solution but be careful who you go to and make sure theyre only soaked off. If they are done properly they WILL NOT ruin your nails. Good Luck
trim them a bit and then grow them again.....

after sometime your nails will grow from top again.. it will happen slowly slowly.... the same problem of biting nails was with me but when i finally stopped bitting them they came to the top...... it took three years...... i'm not sure about how much time it will take for you to grow them to the again....
  • acne
  • 1 comment:

    1. I agree with you that proper diet with green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and fruits would also help nail growth. One should take care of his diet if he wants healthy nails.

      Thick Nails
