Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nail biting problem, nothing is working?

I have been biting my nails for as long as I remember. I tried to stop many times. Yes I used the nail polish, put it on every day for weeks. Didn't help. I tried using gum when I felt the need, didn't help. I tried fake nails and yes that didn't help either. Nothing seems to work. How can I stop it, I want to stop.Nail biting problem, nothing is working?
It's a nervous habit. I used to crack my knuckles when I got anxious. Just become aware of what you're doing and what's going on at the time.

Come up with something else to do. Like instead of cracking my knuckles when I get nervous, I wanted to make a point to do something else and I accidentally started picking at my cuticles. So now i just acknowledge that something has me anxious and I tell myself I'll be fine and do some deep breathing.Nail biting problem, nothing is working?
mix fresh lemon juice %26amp; nail polish remover.

put them on your fingernails, you'll probably stop biting because of the nasty taste.

you could also use Tabasco.

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