Thursday, January 21, 2010

HELP; major NAIL problem!!!!!!!!!!!??????

my nail recently chipped on its side, now it gre back and the WHITE which is normally on my tip is on where it grew back on the side of it the white tip normal but then on the side of my hair where it grew back its the same color as my tip.. =oHELP; major NAIL problem!!!!!!!!!!!??????
Take the Homeopathic Remedy CALCAREA CARB 30 thrice a day half hour before meals and your nails will be cured withgout any side effects or complications.

Take Care and God Bless you !HELP; major NAIL problem!!!!!!!!!!!??????
Holy cow.....WHAT? What are you freaking out about? Hair? Gre? Hair is the same color as the tip?

What are you talking about?
umm maybe you should try calming down then retype this question youre a little hard to understand try again and maybe youll get some answers cuz first you talk about a nail then you talk about your hair so calm down and try retyping your question

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