Thursday, January 21, 2010

Serious Nail problem with large dog!?

My dog has very long nails, and I bought dog nail clippers to use for him, but he's always hated it. Its very difficult for me to cut them because he fights me, even when I have someone help. Anyway, the last time I tried, I accidentally cut his quick- I felt SO bad! Now he REALLY won't let me get near his nails. I'm getting concerned, because I can see his quicks are getting very long too.

My question is, is there any kind of sedative or something I can get for him to relax him enough to let me do his nails calmly, so I can make sure I don't get to the quick? I'd rather not bring him to the vet or groomers because I know its going to take several trimmings to get his quicks down to a healthy level, and I can't afford to bring him to the vet every single week.Serious Nail problem with large dog!?
The vet can sedate him, and then in one fell swoop cut all of the nails down to to correct length, quick and all. They will probably quick-stop or super glue the nail tips, and then wrap the paws up. His feet will probably be tender for a day or so, but then he should be right back to normal.

Or you can invest in a Dremmel... not a pedi paws, those are worthless. A dremmel will allow you to get super close to the quick without cutting into it. I lay my dogs on their back in my lap, and praise quietly while I dremmel away. I hold them in such a way, that if they start to struggle, I can just squeeze my legs and put my other hand on their chest and they can't get up. Trust me, it is going to be HELL the first couple of tries, but the worst thing you can do is let the dog up. The dog needs to learn that he must sit and tolerate, no matter what. Tough it out!Serious Nail problem with large dog!?
I have a very large Labrador who has fast growing nails. She used to hate to get her nails trimmed %26amp; fought me on it, but then I got a PediPaws. It was about $10 at Bed, Bath, %26amp; Beyond. The grinding on her nails scared her at first, but every time she would let me touch her nails with it (not even trimming the nail) I would give her a treat. Eventually she let me start filing her nails. Now she goes %26amp; gets the PediPaws, just because she knows she gets a special treat when I use it! Good luck. =)
My dog too, pedi paws didnt work he doesnt let me get around them. ive tried when he was sleeping, give him a treat, and ive gotton him used to me handling his paws, but he sees those clippers and freaks. So yesterday..took him to petco. gave him to the groomers and let them do it. theyre fast, and my dog is a tough 1. but they got the job done! its 10 bucks!
start over. Get him used to you just touching his feet and playing with his nails, then get the trimmers and get him used to touching his nails with them (don't clip just touch them to them)

Praise and give treats when he is being very good. You have to slowly get him to trust you again. One step at a time, also you can use a dremmel or a (pedipaws) and basically sand the nails down little bits at a time. The noise and vibration tend to scare dogs so you may have to slowly get him used to all that as well, but you're less likely to injure the quick with one.

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