Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Toe Nail Problem, Sort of Split?

Basically, I got a toe nail that apparently got damaged at some point, and now it's like a nail that looks like a normal one, but the left side (like 1/3rd of it) is growing separately. It does not hurt, and it does not bother me. Should I be concerned? I've had it for at least 5-6 years.Toe Nail Problem, Sort of Split?
no, its perfectly fine. I've had 2 extra toe nails my whole life as far as I can remember. My little toes each have an extra toe nail that's about 1/2 the size of the other nail that grow separately. As long as it doesn't bother you its fine. I've actually come to like having extra toe nails simply because it amuses me to watch people's reactions when I say ';I have 12 toe nails and only 10 toes';Toe Nail Problem, Sort of Split?
Not at all my dad has had his whole toe nail right down the middle split in half from dropping an old typewrighter on it like 30 years ago and it grows in 2 halfs like you're saying.

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