Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nail problem! please help!?

Ok so, my friend wants to stop biting her nails before her grad so that she can get a mani (and a lip piercing as a reward for stopping). she's tried nail polish and lemon juice, neither work! grad is in 3 months! what can i/she do to stop her(self)? (we've looked on a lot of sites and they all suggest slow, mental changes (i.e: taking a picture of her nails to remind her how bad they look) and we don't have time for that!)Nail problem! please help!?
Paint them a gorgeous color with a color of polish that she loves! She'll like them so much she can't bear to bite them. There are also some gross tasting polishes you can buy, so that she realizes when she's biting, since a lot of people do it out of habit.Nail problem! please help!?
well what i did to my sis was put nail polish on her nails everyday cause that stuff taste disgusting.
(For ur friend)I have the SAME problem.... I'm hardcore nail biter, i have been doing it since I grew a teeth as when i was a baby. All of those stuff i am trying to do (helps if u do ALL of those stuff)

-Stop looking at ur nails!

-Nail polish

-force urself not to think about the nails!

-if u really cant handle it, get a gum-chewing stuff helps

-give urself a mani

-use rubberband on ur arm n snap it everytime u bite it.

I have a super short nails, but i still get a mani, they putted a clear nail, n then added white paint for the tip :]

I wish i can help... right now i stopped biting them.

IT takes awhile to break the habit. its like addicted to alcholic(sp?) but yea nail biting is a lot worse addicted:D
use this nail polish or something like it鈥?/a>
I had the same problem...except I'm not graduating lol but I went to a nail salon and even though it was a little pricey ($45 plus tip) I got fake can't really bite them and even if you want to try, you won't want to waste all of that money. Fake nails DON'T look bad or even fake, I got solar ones which is a pink gel powder instead of clear and it makes them look really natural. Hope this helps your friend because it really helped me! PS. I got fake nails and I'm young (like not even graduated public school yet) and they let me so it doesn't really matter how young you are if you are graduating either grade 8 or 12, you can get them no matter what!! Oh and 1 more thing: my nails were super short and they let me get them so don't think that your nails are too short!
just remember your goal and if you catch her biting her nails slap her on the shoulder or tell her to stop. Another way would be to remember that you could end up in a cast because you bite your nails! (I mean on your finger of course!)
try to do something to her teeth or something. when i got braces, i COULDNT bite my nails because myfingers coulsnt fit in between them. put nail polish remover on the nails. it didnt help me to stop, butit slowed me down because ittasted terrible.
get the yuck tasting polish or put nail polish remover on her nails.

once i put it on my nails and forgot to wash my hands and i had a bit of food on my finger so i licked my finger and it tasted disgusting
put hot sauce on her fingers. haha, :)
go to the nail salon and let them apply acrylic. It worked for me. The acrylic is so tough and horrible tasting.

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