Saturday, January 23, 2010

Have a nail problem..can you give me some advise?

So the other day i was in my kitchen and one

of the dinning table chairs fell on my right big

toe.. it hurt so bad.. well within a week it

became very blue and black.. another week

later i was walking and it started to bleed..

that was the only time it bled.. but now its

starting to come off from the back.. i can

see under my nail and its all black.

(sorry for the detail). is that normal?? once

it falls off completely will another nail grow

in and if so how long will it take.?.?Have a nail problem..can you give me some advise?
Don't worry, you'll be okay. Something similar happened to me, and both my big toe nails fell off. Go to your doctor to get some antibiotics -- you do not want an infection in there.

It took me 4-5 months to completely regrow my big toe nails. They looked normal enough after a couple, though.

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