Thursday, January 21, 2010


okay so i got acrylics a couple weeks ago

i got into a fight at school which literally ripped off my whole nail...

do i wait for it to just heal?... any suggestions to how i should care for it?

its too painful to put peroxide or alcohol on it.. i haven't been to a doctor it doesn't hurt that bad unless i hit it or something

i sleep with it without a bandaid to let it breath bc when i work all day i have to keep a band aid on it

heres a pic of the nail;s鈥?/a>

I am a nurse.

You need to seek medical attention . That looks pretty bad. You could lose your nail permanently and possibly get an infection. Your physician will know what to do and can splint it so that it can breathe and avoid any contact.BROKEN NAIL PROBLEM PLEASE HELP?
it doesn't look that bad.

just put some neosporin on it with a bandaid during the day. don't stop the neosporin, and don't put it on sparingly, either. most of the time nails like this just heal on their own. there's nothing that a doctor can do for it, really. if it hurts during the day, try to take some ibuprofen.
for the user above actually doesnt look that sister had it happen to her once too. she just waited for it to heal, after a week or so it was normal again. don't touch it as its sensitive right now, but try going to a drugmart store and buy something that can heal your nail such as neosporin. or ask the salesperson if your not sure...anyways i hope it heals soon! good luck:)
It looks bad to me too. I agree with the nurse.

my finger in horny for that nail
  • acne
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