Thursday, January 21, 2010

Serious nail problem?

Since I can remember, I've always had ultra short nails. They were clipped by either myself when I was really young or by another person. They're clipped, not bitten, but they're jagged and at different lengths, which makes people think I do bite my nails. My nails are roughly half a centimetre from the tip of my finger and I feel terribly low in confidence. I hide my fingers whenever I need to pass something to someone or when I eat- they're too hideous to even look at. They're short and wide and I definitely feel less feminine as I don't paint my nails- they make my nails look even more noticeable than they already are. I admire people with perfectly manicured nails and pretty designs, knowing that I won't ever get my nails that nice. My actual question is, ';Is there a way to make the pink part of your nail grow back?'; My pink part is way below the tip of my finger and I'd really like for it to grow back, at least to the shape it used to be. Is there some kind of cream / oil / food / some place to go to repair my terribly grotesque nails? If there is a cure for this, I'd be overly appreciative. I've also heard that jello strengthens nails, would that work? Thank you so much in advance.Serious nail problem?
first of all, i feel for you. i used to have the same problem as yours (well, more or less anyway).

here are some ways to help you:

1. try not to clip your nails that much. let them grow. it may take time but that's the way to go. let your nails rest from all the clipping.

2. i read in one website once that petroleum jelly (Vaseline) helps strengthen your nails. rub some of it on your nails then leave it overnight.

3. once your nails grow, always have an emery board handy at all times. carefully shape your nail into the shape you want it to be.

4. also eat healthy foods especially fruits. the vitamins in the fruits actually helps the growth of your nails.

i know it may take time but patience can lead to greater results.

good luck!Serious nail problem?
keep a healthy lifestyle! it might be a sign of a lake of vitamins. start improving your nutrition and keep them short for a while. Give them enough time to regenerate.. and maybe some homemade nail soaks would help. here are some cool recipe:

hope it helped! good luck!
my nails are thin and brittle and always break, so i got acrylics you could get acrylic tips, overlay, gel nails, and there are more options
i have the same problem even boys have better nails than i do so i know how you feel however i do bite my nails
Are your nails pitted or do they have indents? This can be a sign of serious systematic issues and you should see a doctor.

The nail bed (the pink part) is responsible for the shape in which your nails grow. Is this scarred? This would also be a time to see your doctor, because scar tissue can affect it's growth.

This is a good website to visit, and can lead you in questions for your doctor, as they are the best ones to guide you in this situation.鈥?/a>
  • acne
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