Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crazy Toe nail problem, help please?

So i have a story that goes along with this. I went on a canoe trip 2 weeks ago and I slipped in mud on one of the sand bars and ripped my toenail off. It didn't come off all the way so it just was sticking up and still attached at the cuticle. So when i got home I went to the emergency room thinking they would cut it off. but they didn't. they numbed my toe, put the nail back in place, and stitched it down with two stitches straight through my toenail. I pulled the stitches out a week ago. I left them in for 7 days like the doctor said. Well now, after a week with no stitches, the toenail is hanging there and is only attached by the cuticle. the toenail and the nail bed are completely separated. I keep a band-aid on it just so it wont get ripped off. My questions are.... Should I take it off myself? Should I leave it on there? Will it fall off by itself? Will it grow back normal? How long til it grows back? Please help.... i hate having to look at this nasty loose toenail... it makes me queasy every time i see it. HELP!Crazy Toe nail problem, help please?
I got queasy just reading the question. My husband lost his toenail at a Piston's game when some guy stepped on his foot. The pain and tenderness went away after a week and it took several months for the new nail to grow enough to cover the nail bed.

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