Saturday, January 23, 2010

Son has nail biting problem?

My son is 4 and chews his nails down to nothing! I tried clear nail polish thinking this would gross him out but he still does it. Any ideas of what I can use to break the habit?Son has nail biting problem?
My son had the same horrible habit for about 4mos. I noticed that his nails were getting smaller and smaller as the weeks went by. Everyday I would scold him for biting his nails and I would tell him to give me his hand so I could see if he bit his nails b/c he knew he wasn't supposed to. One day it just stopped. As far as putting nail polish on your child, wouldn't suggest that at ALL. Check w/ his pediatrician and see if they can recommend something.Son has nail biting problem?
I don't think you want your 4 year old possible injesting nail polish.

I found this informative link.

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