Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hedgehog nail problem?

Hi, I have a quick concern about my little hedgehog. I havent clipped her nails in awhile just because it's so hard for me because she does not sit still what so ever. but I clipped them tonight and I noticed one of her front nails was like yellow.. and kinda gross looking. I couldnt tell where the quick was. So is this an infection or a dead nail... or something.. %26gt;_%26lt; you can put in your input if you own other small animals like rabbits because I would think this problem is not only with hedgehogs. lol.Hedgehog nail problem?
It's probably just a dead nail. Just be careful to not clip too much off. If you do catch the quick, dip the toe in flour to stop the bleeding. You can also post this question on in order to get more opinions from experienced hedgehog owners.

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