Saturday, January 23, 2010

Problems with nails being really flexible.?

My fingernails bend over really easily and wonder why they're not harder. Am I lacking something in my diet. Please don't say calcium, as I drink alot of milk and also take calcium supplements. Thanks.Problems with nails being really flexible.?
Well, if it isn't calcium, as you said, I'm not sure really... it may be your iron, but that doesn't make much sense, becaus iron has to deal with your blood.

Ah, I found the problem, Zinc. It's a Zinc deficiency. Meat, shellfish, fish, crumbly cheese and eggs. :) Thanks to Times Online.

For a temporary fix you can paint your nails. I think my nails are stronger when I paint them. Even clear nail polish. And, as a matter of fact, I think they make nail strengthening polish, but I'm not entirely certain about that.

So feel free to check the source that I cited here, and I hope your nails get stronger. Good luck!

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