Saturday, January 23, 2010

Army Basic Training = Nail Problem :( ?

hi guys ..

a few months ago i dropped something on my big toe and now all of a sudden my nail is starting to crumble a little bit and yellow in some parts

i start my basic training in 20 days for the army and i been waiting for these days since i was a little kid and definitely don't want to wait any longer !! .... i don't want to fail the medical examination at the start of basic because of it!!

Do u think the army will allow it and let me carry on or will they say no go away for 6 months and come back when its better ?

Thanks .. jasonArmy Basic Training = Nail Problem :( ?
I was in the Army many yrs ago and can certainly relate to your anxiety. You definitely want to take care of this asap before you begin basic.

Here's what you can do about it. One of the most common infections that causes big toe toenail problems is fungal infection of the nail. This can occur with or without injury or inflammation of the toe, and once a fungus gets established in the nail, it is quite difficult to get rid of. It can also spread to the skin around the nail and to other nails. A fungal toe nail is usually yellowish or black, flaky or crumbly, and very thick. If you suspect you have a fungal nail infection, see your doctor for confirmation. Fungal infections can be treated with prescription drugs or over the counter remedies. There are many widely used home remedies as well.

Another thing that can turn your toenails black and cause big toe toenail problems is strenuous exercise in shoes that don't provide enough room for your feet. This is why you want to take care of this now before you begin basic training.

When the nails are subjected to repeated and prolonged physical stress, tiny blood vessels under the nail can break, causing what is essentially a bruise under the nail. If enough blood builds up to cause pressure, it can be quite uncomfortable. Your body will clear up the bruise over time, but you should purchase a good pair of shoes that won't cause a repeat of this injury.

Because big toe toenail problems are quite common, and can be caused by various different things, it's important that you get a proper diagnosis from a qualified physician. The kind of doctor you want to see is a foot specialist known as a Podiatrist. See if you can find a good one in your area.

For more info see below...Army Basic Training = Nail Problem :( ?
I dont think that the yellow crumbling apperance is because of your accident. It sounds like an infection. Ive seen ads on tv detailing a cream for the symptoms you describe. If there is something wrong with your nail there is a chance they wont let you continue until it clears up. that said it is 20 days away, go to a chemist and ask for a cream.

Also ask this in military section aswell, there are alot of recruiters there who can tell you more.

here is a link. i suspect this is your problem.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Its a fungal infection. Go to your doctor and get treatment.

Doubt that is a medical excusion!

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