Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nail varnish problem?

I always use a scarlet nail varnish in the summer, but recently i've noticed that the actual nail has become stained a gross red colour, any ideas why this has happened? How can i get rid of it? xNail varnish problem?

Its just something that happens because of the strong dye thats used in colours like red (my hot pink one does the same thing).

If you buy a base coat polish it and apply it before your normal vanish it will stop it from happening.

You can get them from most places. Rimmel do one thats quite good. I know rimmel doesnt always make the best products but their nail items are fab and long lasting.

xNail varnish problem?
Hi I use a similar nail colour and I took mine off last night and my nails are definitely stained!

I used to always wear nail polish but after wearing it most of last year my nails were stained yellow and the same happened to my friend the only thing I found that works is not wearing any for a while :( let me know if you find anything that works!

And I've just re-read your question do you mean you wore the nail polish in the summer and it's only just become stained now? :S because that would be really weird haha, sorry I haven't been very helpful :)

the dyes are seeping into your nails,

too remove staining soak fingertips in lemon juice less harsh then polish remover ,or diluted remover

before applyinga new colour use either a hand cream and rub into nails or as advised use a base coat or do both ,

try and leave your nails polish free when possible as this gives the nails time to recover from the polishes ,

all the best

you should keep your nail varnish on for a little while, take it off and then paint them again :) that way they stay fresh and looking nice; and it won't stain aswell. i don't know what to suggest about the staining though. it should go if you wash your nails properly or something
yes its because the nail is slightly porous and over time it will stain. Get a nail buffer from the chemist and buff your nails a little to remove the colour. Next time, use a decent base coat before you use colour on your nails and it won't happen
you need to use a good base coat


and the 2 coats of polish

and then a top coat

the base coat keeps the polish from staining and also helps the polish stick more

let all coats dry thoroughly before applying the next!!

It's proberly happened because there maybe some strong chemicals in the nail varnish you've used just dont put nail varnish on 'til it disappears and make sure you wash your hands with a good hand wash

hope i helped :]

Good luck!
Nail polish can stain the nail if worn for a prolonged period. using a base coat under the colour can stop staining.

The staining will eventually disappear.
Soak your nails in diluted nail polish remover.

To stop it happening again - use a base coat.
I assume you sue a base coat and then put that one on top. It will fade in time though but for the time being just paint over it.
visit the following url
soak your nails for bout 15 mins in warmish water and the juice of 1 fresh lemon.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww thats gross
never heard of that before but it will probably just take some time to go away

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