Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ingrown Nail problem?

I have an ingrown nail, and i think it got infected a little. on the part of the nail, it got a bit dark, just on the right side. and when i put a little pressure on it, some puss comes out. i've been washing it with some warm water. but what else can i do to heal it? also, i got this cream that prevents infections. (Triple antibiotic: bacitracin zinc, neomycin %26amp; polymyxin-B Ointment) can i add that to the area to help it heal?Ingrown Nail problem?
Well, there's an old wive's tale (is that what they are called?) where you cut a little V into your nail, and the nail will grow in because of it, thus pulling the nail out of your toe (or finger? which do you have one in?) I had to get some minor surgery to get it out. They give you a few shots in that area, cut the sides, and talk the entire nail out, or just give you one shot in the side of the finger (or toe) and take the one side out. They usually have to take the entire nail out or else the ingrown nail will come back again.FteAfrwards, just don't cut your nail too low, and you should be just fine. You might be immobile for about a week, though, you have one in your toe, because it will hurt to walk because of the the blood flow going down to your toe. Not sure about the finger, though.

I waited almost a year to get mine done, and the doctor said that if I had waited too much longer (I think he said a few months), they would have had to take my toe off. The surgery hurts like a b*tch, but it's necessary.

Wait for a little while and leave it alone until it gets really annoying, then get it removed.Ingrown Nail problem?
just leave it alone unless it gets really back then see a doctor
You may have to have at least half if not all of the nail removed by a doctor. I have chronic ingrown nails so I just work on them myself

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