Thursday, January 21, 2010

I have a toe nail problem! help!!!?

so i know this sounds incredibly gross, and it definitely looks gross. my brother ran over my big toe with a computer chair like...2 years ago. the nail started separating from the pink stuff underneath. the nail turned yellow and started falling off slowly(the pink stuff that was attached to the nail started to become less and less.).

i have no idea what to do. i have been to the podiatrist and he said he had no idea(what a waste of a co-pay!)

any idea what it is and how to fix it!?

please help! thanks so muchI have a toe nail problem! help!!!?
Try using Tea-Tree oil, you can find it in any CVS. It clears up most nail and skin problems by killing bacteria and promotes fresh tissue and cell growth. As a bonus, it has many other great qualities like treating blemishes etc...I have a toe nail problem! help!!!?
a new nail should grow but should have done it by now. i would just keep on watching it, the old nail should come off and a new one appear. watch for dark places on your toes as this will be a fungus that is hard to treat. i had good results with treating mine with terbenifine [pills] but it took about 6 months for the fungi to go away, think i would see a different podiatrist asap. good luck. if you do need to treat for fungus you can get it at walmart for $4. beware those that you paint on top of the toe.

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