Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toe nail problem please help?

About 2 months ago my a cold full soda can fell out of the refrigerator and fell on my big left toe and it hit at the the root of the growth point like on the cuticle. It hurt so bad but I didn't think too much of it because I have smashed my finger nail before and nothing really happened. So as time has passed you could still see like dried blood under the nail. I looked today and noticed the nail was coming off at the cuticle so I mess with it a bit and pieces from the bottom part of the nail were falling off along with the dried blood. So what dose this mean? Will I no longer grow a toe nail? If I cant is there any way to get one back?Toe nail problem please help?
The dried blood is probably holding the detached nail to the skin. But don't bother it because you will irritate it or cause infection. Soak it in epsom salt. If the nail doesn't completely fall off, then it will just grow out with the new nail growing in.

If it does come off, keep the exposed nail bed clean and dry. It will be very sensitive. Only bandage it for cushion, if you can't wear open toe shoes until it's not so sensitive. It can take anywhere from 3-6 months for the nail to completely replace itself.

I stumped on toe on the foot-board of my bed. The nail split but I think the entire nail came off from the bandage making it mushy. It was torture to only have 9 toes polished after a pedicure!Toe nail problem please help?
Relax, lol, something similar happened to me, when I broke my big toe nail in half, hitting it against the cupboard.

What happens when it falls off is that your new nail is coming out, it takes a while because your toe nails grow four times slower than fingernails, just hang in there, your nail will come back! ;)
It is amazing how even dropping a can of soda could knock off a toe nail.... For me it was my motorcycle kick stand about a month ago. Goes to show how fragile we are... You will grow a new Toenail, but it takes a long time. So far no sign with me either,but it is the second time it happened so I know I will eventually get one.
The toe nail will regrow. I have had the same thing happen to me dropped a stool on my toe. Same thing dried blood under the nail until it complete fell off. A new toe nail will grow.

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