Thursday, January 21, 2010

Finger nail problem,please help?

a year back my brother slammed the door unaware of noticing my finger between it.It was a dreadful pain.The skin right below my ring fingernail got jammed.Then it got reddish purple.went to the doctor for relieving pain and blood clot.He gave the medicines after which the pain receded.Then after a month i could notice that the nail growing from underneath looked grow detached from the skin.The nail looked yellow in color and foul smell started coming from it. Then the nail grew up and it broke off.From last year the nail grows and breaks off and its a regular thing going other nails are looking good and iam concerned about this one.Whenever i go out as it looks bad to look so i would wrap a band aid around it.Please tell me what should i do.iam not very sure whether it is nail fungus or not.Now the condition is one half of the nail appears good but the other half in the right side the nail is growing detached from the underlying skin and it pains.please help me with this.thank you for the answers in advance.Finger nail problem,please help?
If it smells bad there is infection. Discoloration usually represents a fungus. If you want to try an all natural approach to healing this go to your local health food store and get Tea Tree Ointment. Apply this with a swab a few times a day for as long as it takes. Herbal treaments do not work instantly, be patient and see the results. You can also order tea tree ointment from Do some research on tea tree oil and you will be amazed at what a miraculous product from nature this is.

best of luckFinger nail problem,please help?
go 2 a dermatologist.

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