Thursday, January 21, 2010

6th Grade Graduation Nail Problem.....?

Okay, so tomorrow is my 6th grade graduation. I don't know how I should do my nails though. Should I get short fake nails, or use my regular nails, that are also short. I filed down some fake nails, and I could use those, or I could buy some cute fake ones. Please help me I need to know by tonight!6th Grade Graduation Nail Problem.....?
just leave your nails natural, paint them or buff them

i did it 2 years ago and 6th grade graduation is made to seem like a waaaay bigger deal than it actually is. trust me, in a few months you will probably hardly remember it at all.

focus more on your hair/makeup(if u wear any) and your dress cause thats what people will remember from pics.6th Grade Graduation Nail Problem.....?
I don't think you should use fake nails, they ruin your real nails for awhile and you don't want that right before summer! Maybe try and match your nail color to the color of your dress or your outfit that you plan to wear, or use a color that will go with anything. Good Luck!
honestly it doesn't really matter... just use your regular ones! 6th grade graduation seems like a big deal now but who's gonna remember what kind of nails you were wearing in a few months? As long as you have a cute dress b/c people will only remember your dress, hair, and makeup! (in pictures)
chill....its only your 6th grade graduation. nothing that special. just go natural and paint them a nice color to match your outfit. good luck and congratulation on your graduation!
Just paint your own nails, worry about the rest of that before senior prom.
6th grade on them
buy cute fake ones

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