Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ingrown Finger nail problem???

I have an ingrown finger nail that's totally bugging me. Any pressure around the finger can cause a little to a lot of pain in my thumb. Is there any cream or anything other than soaking and removing the nail from the skin that I can do or get?Ingrown Finger nail problem???
one option is you can soak it in epsom salt, which will help w/ the irritation but if its infected and painful you may want to see your doctor or a podiatrist who can remove the ingrown nail w/ a sterile procedure-- a lot of the techniques people use at home are a little risky for a worse infection so dont try to self treat--it is possible to depending on how deep its grown into the skin maybe get some nail clippers to maybe get the edges out a little bit but check on line for the correct technique to clip your nails and also go ahead and apply some triple antibiotic.Ingrown Finger nail problem???
ask the doctor i have knowen people who had to have theres surgincally removed
Hey glad you asked me Sally Hansen has a cream for nail hardening but it works like magic!! Run it on the finfer nail then clip it it releves the pain and hardens your nails so either way you go you win!!!

Hope I helped in any way!!!
yes, cut a V shape in the middle of the nail ad it will help get rid of the pain and be very careful with them.

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