Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pet rabbit has a nail problem?

Okay so there is something wrong with my rabbits nail. It looks like its dead and close to falling off. Its hanging at a weird angle and its all black (her nails are clear with a bright pink quick). The black concerns me since it could be septic, but it isn't bothering her at all. Shes still running, digging, eating normally, she seems totally oblivious to it. I'm thinking maybe she caught it on her cage and her body just diverted the blood flow from it. There was no blood on her paws or in her cage. She has really long fur so we didn't notice anything unusual until just now. The vets around here charge $100 just to walk in the door, and shes not in any pain nor does she have any symptoms of being sick, so I'm wondering if anyone can identify what its doing and any way to help the natural healing process along. We're not going to the vet, because she feels fine it just looks gross, and rabbits have amazing natural defenses. I'm just making this clear because any problem with an animal usually results in a dozen one-line answers saying go to the vet. That is not what I'm looking for, so please don't waste my time.Pet rabbit has a nail problem?
maybe...its just a dead nail, when i hurt my toenail (ouch), it went black...

anyways, dont try and pull it off, it`ll fall off in its own time, just keep a watch on it, because the angle it hangs at it could actually stab your rabbit...if its sharp... just keep checking because it MIGHT not be a dead not sure what else it could be, but if its or the rabbit gets worse take it to the vet, or get a friend (that knows animals) to give you a hand

hope this helps,

-jaime C=

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