Thursday, January 21, 2010

If you only have a hammer , you tend to see every problem as a nail! quote from Abraham Maslam ,what do you?

Think of that. I like it. I am a grump with a hammerIf you only have a hammer , you tend to see every problem as a nail! quote from Abraham Maslam ,what do you?
I got the nail on the head!If you only have a hammer , you tend to see every problem as a nail! quote from Abraham Maslam ,what do you?
this is what I would do!just back talk to you later xx
Blimey, best make mine a toffee hammer to restrict the damage.
Get a decent tool kit, all problems are solved with the right tools.

Philosophically as well as practically.
Not so.It is a very versatile least according to Trini Lopez.鈥?/a>
In a pinch, any tool can be a hammer.

My hammer is my fine adjustment tool.
What type of hammer? Some hammers are very small and used for delicate tasks!
true to a certain extent. Like Thor with Mj枚lner

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