Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toe nail problem?

Ok this is kinda nasty so I'm sorry...

On my right foot my third toe is always pealing and just yesturday I've noticed that they nail is starting to come up and it's just really gross and itchy. What's wrong? What do I do?Toe nail problem?
it's summer %26amp; your winter skin is just peeling. the nail is proably just too long %26amp; needs cut short. GO GET A PEDICURE!! if theres anything else wrong, the nail tech will be able to tell you. if you want to treat it for infection, try using rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or batcine. FYI, benadryl is an allergy medicine, not an anti itch, not an infection blocker. if you do decide to use hydrogen peroxide, it will produce tiny white bubbles if it's dirty or infected.Toe nail problem?
maybe you have athletes foot or an ingrown toenail. soak it in hot water and band aid it up with some of that clear creme stuff.
Just so you know, benedryl does not stop infection! It is an anti itch med.
this sounds like a fungal infection you need to see your GP for treatment good luck and take care
you probably have some sort of fungus on your foot but i'm no doctor you might want to get that checked out just in case
  • acne
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