Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nail problem! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!11?

Hi. I was playing football today, and I had a foot on foot impact. It pulled my big toenail back. It bleeds when I move it, but the nail is not broken. It is just loose. Any quick fixes? I cannot afford to see the doctor in the event in gets infected, so I need something that will work now. thanks.Nail problem! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!11?
If you are ok with pain -- do the following.

Pour hydrogen peroxide underneath and around the nail (this won't hurt).

Pour rubbing alcohol underneath and around the nail (this might, sting)

Push the nail down enough to get a band to wrap around it where it will not hang on anything and move any further.

With pressure it should come down to normal level.

Now, depending on how much of the nail was ripped from the bed it may or may not fall off. If it does fall of, keep the nail. Put it on the bare nailbed as a guide for the new nail to grow. Without a guide the new nail is likely to grow in slightly differently shaped than the old.

It shouldn't get infected if you keep it clean -- Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol will keep any bacteria at bay..

I would recommend neosporin or something similar but that is likely to loosen up the nail over time. We would rather it grow out than fall off if possible.

If you don't have any disinfectant,.. go grab at least the alcohol from the store -- the H202 is pennies, so you might as well, and some good 3M bandages.

You won't need a doctor.

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