Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dogs Toe Nail Problem, Unusual?

I posted this question a few days ago but due to Yahoo's maintenance the question was printed twice and did not post as it should.

My senior dog has a bad toe nail. I was sick so I didn't pay the attention to her licking her foot as I should have. She will do this if the hair between her toes gets too long. so I was not alarmed until I saw some blood spots.

She is a German Shepherd mix with black toe nails. This toe nail is split up the center on the underside and is totally white in color. It also seems hollow. Now, she was injured once by a groomer who cut the nails too short so she won't allow a groomer to cut them. I've tried and can't either. I muzzled her to look at this nail and she still squirmed and ran around. I cleaned the area and applied Neopsporin and it has seemed to help. But what happened? I have never seen a toe nail on a dog totally change color. Is the nail dead and ready to fall off? If you have heard of this or have any suggestions, please respond. Yes a vet will look at it if looks like it is becoming infected. She walks fine, it's just tender to the touch.Dogs Toe Nail Problem, Unusual?
I think the nail is dead. my suggestion would be to wait for a while, and if it doesn't fall of in about a week, then i would check to see if it's infected.

hope this helps!Dogs Toe Nail Problem, Unusual?
You need to go to vet now not later since it is already tender %26amp; she is licking area %26amp; you saw blood. By waiting you are risking a serious infection to be able to spread %26amp;being harder to treat. Better to be safe than sorry %26amp; to pay a small vet bill instead of a large vet bill %26amp; risking your pet health.
My bog also had a black nail not to long ago it split and then part of it fell off and then grew should be ok ...dont warry unless it gets worse...then i would maybe try to put a rap on it to prevent him to getting to it but as of right now i would say just leave it to se can keep it clean...or her
please do not wait to see your vet. split toe nails are extremely painful and can become infected easily. the nail needs to be cut back.
i work at a vet office and you need to take her to the vet, the nail sounds dead but it needs to be removed. i don't know what they would do at your local vet, but at the vet office i work at we basically pull the nail completely off and bandage it. it needs to be removed because right now it is really sensitive and painful (think about cutting your nail to short and how it hurts, well think about splitting it completely to the skin, ouch)

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