Saturday, January 23, 2010

Split toe nail problem.?

i have a toe nail thats split in half all the way down the center and its been that way for almost a year now. whenever i cut it, bump it, or hit it on anything it will break it back apart and the smaller part will bleed and get soaked with blood to the point that its soft and squishy, and bleed from under the nail, one of them seldomly has a clear liquid comming from it. and its split like that on 3 toes. i was thinking about getting new shoes that may be the case ive had these for over a year, they dont breathe properly which dosent help the situation. but something like this cant be fixed by switching shoes, what should i do and what is the problem? also one of the toenails are bent in a U shape and allways causes problems from having something dropped on it.Split toe nail problem.?
I think you need to make an appointment with a podiatrist (a foot doctor) as soon as possible. A lot of what you are experiencing is not normal and needs attention.

I had a frozen beef roast fall on my foot (fell out of an upright freezer) and smashed the nail on my one big toe. 5 months, 4 trips to the family doc and 3 courses of antibiotics and I was still having issues not to mention pain and limping. The foot doctor took one look at it and knew what the issue was. When my nail splintered, a piece was driven straight down and the family doctor didn't realize that. The foot doctor numbed my toe, removed the fragment and put me on another course of antibiotics for the infection. But it got better within a couple of weeks!Split toe nail problem.?
You probably had an injury to your foot that damaged the nail beds and is causing the nails to split in the matrix. If you really can't remember an injury, it would be a good idea to see a dermatologist or podiatrist to see what's going on.

The ';pinkie'; toenails often thicken and warp as we age, so that would probably be considered ';normal';.

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