Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weird nail problem... disconnected?

I'm not sure how best to describe this but I've somehow made the area where the thumbnail is connected to the thumb much shorter than the other one. Like imagine you got a knife and stuck it inside your thumbnail and sliced it across... well I didn't do this but over time this is what has happened so this thumbnail stops a lot further down than the other one.

I keep my nails as short as possible so this means I have a lot of flesh at the top and it feels like I have no nail. If I don't cut it and let it grow then I get things stuck in there and it gets painful when I try and remove it (may be how it gradually got shorter anyway). Either way it isn't comfortable.

Can anyone give me any advice to get it back to normal? It seems permanent :o(Weird nail problem... disconnected?
it won't grow back to ';normal.'; Your nail bed has been shortened by super-short clipping and/or biting. there is no repair

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