Saturday, January 23, 2010

Callus and toe nail problem.?

I don't know why this awful thing has happened to me but when I wore heels a lot I began to get a callus on not just one but both feet, my skin is dry, rough and irritating and one of my toe nails has begun to look strange, kind of thick and has little black lines coming from the pink part up to the white, I asked my doctor and the only answer I got was ';I don't know what that is';. What are the best ways to deal with my awfully embaressing foot problems I have going on. I want my feet back! Thanks everyone.Callus and toe nail problem.?
Go buy some tea bags (the cheap Lipton ones work just fine) , fill a container with warm water, let teh tea bags soak in it, then soak your feet for15minutes. Do this a couple of times a day. The sialic aacid in the tea will soften the callouses and aids in circulation.

It sounds strange but it's a good way to heal calloused feet without spending a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read, thanks for sharing this natural treatment for the toenail problem. Certainly there is no harm in trying this as being natural it has no side effects.

    Thick Nails
