Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finger-nail Problems Please Help

My finger nails are always breaking! Sometimes I can grow them out and they will be hard and not break as easily and other times they will be very thin and bendy. What can I do to keep hard strong nails that won't break so often.Finger-nail Problems Please Help
The same thing happens to my mom, but shes lactose intolerant, so it's normal 4 her nails to do that, because of the lack of nutrients. try drinking more milk or eating more cheese =)Finger-nail Problems Please Help
i have the same problem. there is a polish by sally hansen that has acrylic in it. it helps my nails and my nails have not broken or became brittle since i have been using it.
they have this stuff thats like nail polish that strengthens ur nails. you should be able to get it at walmart, target, or a drug store. hope i helped :]
it all down to your diet.

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