Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ho has nail-biting problems and how can I get rid of it.?

so yeah ...I have a nail-biting problem and I know the main reason for it is stress and lack of confidence but do you know a certain way to get rid of my bad habit... thanks in advance...Ho has nail-biting problems and how can I get rid of it.?
Well, to stop your nail biting here are some tips..

@ hold on to a small object, like a stone or ball, too keep your hands busy and out of your mouth

@ coat your nails with bad- tasting polish, available at a drugstore

@ wear gloves or mittens to bed so you can't bite your nails in your sleep

@set up a reward system. you can use a calendar to keep track of how many days you go without giving in to your habit, and give yourself a treat if you meet your goal.

Good luck in overcoming and battling your bad habits!Ho has nail-biting problems and how can I get rid of it.?
Put nail polish on them. It tastes really bad and it will help break your nail-biting habit. I used to bite my nails all the time. I tried this and it worked.

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