Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is this toe nail problem normal?should i see a doctor?

Well, recently i discovered that my pinky toe nail has shurk, or is deep. Im not sure how to explain it. Its not as long as it used to be. Its really tiny and im not sure if its normal or something. What should i do? This is the only toenail that appered like that. Im real scared cause this has never happened to me..PLEASE HELPIs this toe nail problem normal?should i see a doctor?
If you have a lot of swelling in the toe, it may look like the nail has shrunken. If it is swollen and painful, you need to see a doctor. If it is hot and red, as well, it may be infected.

If none of this applies to you, and the toenail just looks tiny, you may be stunting it by wearing shoes that put pressure on it. If you wear those pointy toed shoes with high heels, I would bet you are hurting your feet and you should stop or you will have worse problems than small toenails. Good luck!Is this toe nail problem normal?should i see a doctor?
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