Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nail problems?

When I was a bit younger, over a year ago, I made the mistake of cutting my big toe nails too short. Ever since, they won't grow? Like, at all. Why is this and what the hell can I do to fix it? :/ I'd like to have a cute pedi but it's virtually impossible when you can't get your toe nails to grow.Nail problems?
Eating right and excersing will help.nails are mostly comprised of protien.... if you consume more it'll help your nails grow. Vitamins are also helpful, Usually nails grow at an average rate of 1/8 of an inch a month. Make sure your shoes are allowing your toes some space. runners can have difficulty growing if the nails keep pounding against the inside of the shoe.If your nails doesn't grow sincerel be sure to mention it to your doctor. You can have a french-pedicure and draw a free edge on the nail for the illusion of having a longer nail.Treat yourslef to a pedicure anyway it'll feel good and increase in circulation can help too!Nail problems?
take those vitamins specially for nails' growth
eat lots of jello... jello promotes healthy nail growth.. and no this isnt a joke im serious

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