Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Really short nail problems?

I have extremely short nails, smaller than my 4 year old cousins. I stopped biting them kinda, but they're still a lot wider than they are long. I'm having problems trying to not bite them because I've never had long nails and there flimsy. I push back my cuticles but it doesn't seem to help, are my nails deformed for life!?!Really short nail problems?
eat jelloReally short nail problems?
Go spend some money on a manicure. You will understand how much you spent and how you want to keep your nails nice. You'll quit biting them. OR use lemon juice on them. When you bite 'em it'll taste bad and it'll break the habit.
try using a nailpolish such as sally hansens maximum growth nourishing nail color. it helps reduced breakage of the nails and helps make them stronger when used consistantly. there are other products that sally hansens make that go on your nails to help strengthen them and your cuticles to make your nails healthier all around.
As far as the person who said ';eat jello,'; yes, they're serious, and yes, it works. Getatin is one of the most prevalent ingrediants in your nails. So, eating jello will help them grow and strengthen.

I'm in the same spot. I stopped biting my nails 2 or 3 years ago, and I had bitten them down to where they were wider than they were tall. And I can tell you from experience, that they DO come back. Not all the way, but somewhat. Eventually, you will notice that now they aren't so much wider than they are tall - they're almost circular. And maybe in a few more years they may be normal again.

But I couldn't tell you what happens after a couple years, since I've gone back to biting them. *sigh* Trying to quit again, real soon...

But don't give up. They do get healthier, the longer you go without biting them.
there are good vitamins out there designed for hair, skin and nails. you may want to try them. i used them before and they really helped with growth and with strength. there is also a nail polish that is either bitter or really spicy and you paint it on to help stop bitting nails.
you might just have small nail beds...everyone always things that my nails are so long, but their not I bite them I just have long nail beds
You are not doomed for life!First try to quit biting your nails.When you have been able to control that,go to any drug store.They have a liquid that your put on your finger nails and it makes them grow faster.It looks like clear nail polish and it really works!Good Luck!

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