Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Acrylic nail problems!?

I've started doing my own acrylic nails as can't afford to keep getting them done at a salon - only problem is I can't seem to get the acrylic solution/powder to spread evenly and often end up with white marks in the nails that make them look messy - what am I doing wrong?Acrylic nail problems!?
I don't know how to help your past mistakes, but I would strongly recommend going on a short nail course. The long terms benefits will be more rewarding. :)Acrylic nail problems!?
i think your mix of powder and gel is wrong (if you are using that system) anyway - you should end up with a drop hanging off the end of the brush which will start to spread slightly when it hits the nail. then just brush lightly to spread it. if your too hard, there isnt enough or the consistency is wrong it wont be right when your finished.

you can do a day courses for nail systems. try your local Sally hair %26amp; beauty services shop as they do some courses or your local college.

you could also try the carling institute.
are you using a thin enough brush?

and you dont need to put alot of acrylic at the tip, the acrylic is to make the rest of your nail be the same thickness of the plastic tip.

you dont need to put loads on at once, put a very thin layer on each then go around them again.

good luck :)

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