Sunday, January 17, 2010

Any problems with Gel painted nails?

has anybody had any problems after having their nails painted with gel paint?

i have what looks to be like my nails on thumbs are lifting from nail bed %26amp; my friend has the same, but has an infection under two of her nails. i wondered if this is common after using gel paint for some considerable time.

i'd be interested in your opinions...serious answers please folks. thank you.Any problems with Gel painted nails?
I had gel painted nails for some time and it was really good, it looks like you could have got an infection from when you were having them redone. Try getting some Tea Tree cream or oil and putting on and under your nails and this should clear up any infection you have.Any problems with Gel painted nails?
You should have it checked out, before you get infected. Lack of hygiene and improper application can caused this.

You shouldn't get this result at all, it should be nice looking nails.

Another suggestion go to a different salon, usually you don't get that with gel nails, an Im amazed your friend and you got it.
it is not common, especially if your friend has a infection. if you both used the same technician DONT use them again, she doesnt sound very good or hygienic
have no idea

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