Sunday, January 17, 2010

I just put a nail in my AC line in my wall and it's hissing freon. Any problem letting it just run out?

I can't believe this. You hit a line with a nail and some people act like you just killed a bunch of baby seals, strip mined a bazillion acres of land, are the cause of lung disease and solely responsible for global warming. You sound like a pretty bad guy. To be honest with you there is not much you can do except let it run out. Open some windows if the leak is inside the house. I doubt if a repair guy can get there quick enough to save anything anyway,,,beside rates are usually double on Saturday. Just call somebody on Monday and have them come out and repair/replace the line. then refill . Probably $300-400. I know....OUCH!! .....and don't ever nail in that spot again :-)I just put a nail in my AC line in my wall and it's hissing freon. Any problem letting it just run out?
illegal to vent freon to the air 25,000.000 fineI just put a nail in my AC line in my wall and it's hissing freon. Any problem letting it just run out?
Oh, that's bad. You won't be able to use the AC in the summer until you have that fixed. I would get if fixed as soon as possible, too, to prevent any humidity and mold from building up in the pipes. Sorry about the mishap.
Freon is one of those substances which is considered hazardous to the ozone layer. In the U.S. you aren't supposed to release it into the atmosphere, but have a qualified repair person reclaim it into a special container.

The problem is that most of it will probably escape before a repair person can get there. You should try to get someone there as soon as possible.

Bad news/Good news. Freon can cause problems for people with cardiac conditions. This usually happens at initial exposure. The good news is that there aren't any long term effects.

I put a link to a web page regarding Freon Exposure and Your Health.
OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS AND GET OUT NOW!!! Freon is a poisonous gas. It displaces oxygen in the air. After your house has aired out for awhile,you're safe. Your fire dept. can all so help you now.Monday morning call the A/C guy and have him fix it.
Besides the harm the freon is doing to the environment?
if it's not all gone there is a shut off valve on the condenser you can close. .look under screw on caps for a square stem do not round off corners trying to turn. tell your service man what you did.

accidents happen: the fines are for will-full venting
so i have heard, it is dangerous to breathe this in your body. i would have it fixed immediatly, call your fire dept. and they will help you with the problem. don't light any matches or lighters or any fires.
If you can stop it some how it would be better in the long run as pressure in the lines stops humidity from entering. Once all the freon is gone the piping will have a vacuum effect and suck in humid

Good Luck
Your system is vaccumm pressured at a high level so a simple fix will not do the trick. I am not sure how fast it will run out but It is not legal to just let it flow if you know something has happened. A professional needs to come out and recapture the gas if any is left in the system

Freon is a heavy gas that falls done unlike a lighter gas like helium that flows up. Because Freon and water vapor mixed creates a caustic acid, you want to get your system repaired professionally.

Per federal laws, you are not allowed to refill the system yourself unless you are licensed and have all the approved equipment. A professional will know what is able to be used that complies with the laws.

Make sure your system is off until you get it repaired.

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