Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bearded Dragon Nail Problem?

I don't know how it happened, but I think my bearded dragon's nail was pulled out. He is missing a nail that used to be there a few hours ago, and he is in a lot of pain. Normally, I would go to a vet, but the only one who I know is an imbecile. What should I do to make him feel better? and will the nails grow back? I am completely confused and worried.Bearded Dragon Nail Problem?
Check this website for a vet:

You'll have to scroll down a little bit until you see the states. Click on your state and it should list some herp vets.

I have a dragon with lots of nails missing. Probably happend at the pet store. What I would do is get a q-tip, put some anitbiotic ointment on it and gently apply it to his little finger or toe. This will clean it out a little and avoid any infections. Put down some paper towels or another solid substrate so it wont irritate the finger or toe if you haven't already. I usually avoid loose subsrates like sand and wood chips and shells to avoid impaction and sanitary issues anyway. Another thing that may help is a soak. For small dragons, a suitable size rubbermaid will do and for larger dragons a tub or sink would work fine.The water needs to be around your body temperature. Around 88-95F. Soaks once to twice a week keeps beardies hydrated. Fill the water up to around the arm pits or shoulders. Childrens Pedyalite might make him feel better. If you choose to, you can warm it up and pour it in the water. Bad news is, the nail probably wont grow back. My dragons hasnt and it's been around 8 months when I got him. Hope this helps. Good luck!Bearded Dragon Nail Problem?
sounds like you really need to find an exotic vet you can trust. he could be sick. He could have a defienciency of some sort and need to be treated.
I say, leave him alone. They can lose part of their tails and be just fine, so a nail shouldn't be any worse. In the wild they don't have an owner worrying over them and they survive.

EDIT: Its a very good idea to find a vet that you trust, that is experienced with exotic animals. You don't want to be scrambling around in a panic if there is an emergency some day.
just leave him alone!!!

theise things happen allot its realy not that big of a deal and all your going to do is stress him out..

leave him be and he will be fine.
I would leave him alone.

I have 2 bearded dragons at home.

He probaby knocked it off climbing in his cage.

Make sure it's clean and keep an eye out for infection.
keep an eye on the should heal on its own but in captivity they may not be as resistent to infection.the nail will probably never grow back but scar tissue should form over the wound .

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't clipped my bearded dragons nails in a while so the part that you're not supposed to clip grew back what should I do now?
