Sunday, January 17, 2010

I put a rusty nail in my hand. What medical problems can i possibly get?

I put a rusty nail 1/4 of an inch in my hand by accident.

Luckily, i got a tetnus shot 6 days ago. After i got the wound, i wiped it with a paper towel to get the blood off..its a deep hole. I put lots of polysporin on the wound and put a bandaid on it.

1 day has passed and its sore and a bit swollen.

Im thinking that bacteria got really deep in the cut...if so....what bad things can happen?

i have my tetnis shot recently.I put a rusty nail in my hand. What medical problems can i possibly get?
It's great luck that you had a tetanus shot a few days ago, but you can have several complications from having a rusty nail come into contact with your bloodstream. Make an appointment with a physician as soon as you can. Feel better. :)I put a rusty nail in my hand. What medical problems can i possibly get?
trench foot and crotch rot or potty mouth
well it should be checked out by a doctor. you could get a few different diseases.Its not that serious but it can be. Just to be on the safe side if i were you go to the doctor
It will probably get infected do to yr doctors they will check it over and probably give you antibiotics to get rid of the infection
if your bowel movement is okay and your mental condition peaceful than even if something happens to you then you can cope with it with ease.

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