Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cures for Nail biting problem?

I always bite and pick my fingernails. My nails look gross.

What are some ways to stop doing this? I mean quick fixes, not nail polish or stuff like that, like chewing gum and stuff?Cures for Nail biting problem?
touch a hot pepper, like a jalopeno, JUST DON';T TOUCH YOUR FACE OR ANYTHING ELSE it burns!! and then you'll stop cuz everytime you go to chew them, ow and stuff..right?

I kno u dont wanna hear fingernail polish, but that's how I stopped...try clear nail polish.

find something you can chew on..I always used to chew on my phone antennae...not the smartest, but still satisfying =)

Cures for Nail biting problem?
I agree with the other 2 answers...I used to be just like you, and chilly powder did the trick. I just made it a priority to stick the tips of my fingers into some every morning and sure enough I've got long healthy nails now. At first you'll probably learn the hard way and burn your mouth, but hey its so worth it!
Put a moisturizing cream on your hands and nails each morning. When you go to bite, YUK! It will taste like the lotion you put on...This sounds like a nervous habit, so sign up for a yoga class or join intramural sports team to work off some of your nervous energy. It works! And leave those nails alone! Girls don't like to see nasty hands....
Dip those suckers in hot sauce.

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