Friday, January 15, 2010

Do you think theres a problem with black nail polish?

My mom is not letting me have my own opinion on how I want to dress, or have on my nails. The main problems are skulls, and black nail polish. Do you have a problem with them? I want to prove a point.Do you think theres a problem with black nail polish?
My mom thinks that way too. She'll let me wear skulls, but no black nail polish. She thinks that black nail polish is trashy looking, and she thinks only goths/punks wear black nail polish. But really, many celebrities in Hollywood also wear black nail polish which I think is actually pretty cool. Hope this helps!Do you think theres a problem with black nail polish?
Depends on your age. If you're old enough, it shouldn't be a problem. You'll move on to something else in time.
My mom is the same exact way, she won't let me wear skulls or black nail polish.
Personally, I don't think there's anything disturbing or wrong about black nail polish. Perhaps it's the AGE of when you wear it. Middle teens is probably fine. But I guess our parents don't want us to wear it because it symbolizes angst or something. I don't think it does. It's just a color. A dark color, yes, but it's fashionable! No harm done. :)
My mom dosent let me wear black nail polish or skulls either. I have not interest wearing skulls and i def dont like dressing punk or goth. However, i think the black nail polish can look so chic with the right outfit. Instead I wear navy blue polish. Its super hot this fall and my mom dosent throw a fit.
No, i personally luv them both although my ma doesn't really approve of the skulls but she got over it. Hope this helps :)
i think it is fine. So many famous people wear it now and stuff.
No I like black nail polish, my mom hates it though so I either do black and white nails black and pink nails black nails with white spots, ect... If you mix it with other colors you're mom might not mind. Right know I have all white nails (not white out but actual white nail polish) and I must say it looks quite good.
nopeeee..but i think if u wear it w. skulls %26amp; stuff its kinda gross/goth/emo. like say u have a pink shirt or a gold shirt w. black nail polish. its fine. its classy,. but w. skulls? EMO!!!!
No, i think black nail polish is real cool. But depends on the way u dress too. I mean , if u wear a suit and black nail polish, its gonna look retarded. But yeah with skulls, it should look fine.
no, i wear black nail polish everyday. when i was younger i was into the goth look and id come home with all these chains and black stuff and hxc music, and she would just say ';you have to wear it!';...she didnt like me wearing it....but i couldnt care less.

i think you should just do it and rebel.good luck.

i have a skull hat to hehe

but its up 2 u how u dress and no 1 else

u make the decisions not ur mother

if u want to dress like that its fine

ur old enough to make ur own decisions now

Defenitley not!!!! I wear black nail polish and skulls all the time and I'm not goth or punk or whatever!!! My favorite color isn't black it's hot pink. Most of my skulls are colorful like pink and blue. My friends would call me a girly girl, drama queen but not goth no-one in my school calls me goth!!!
Maybe your mom is scared your Goth. My mom thought black nail polish was cool cause it's so trendy, and doesn't really care if I want something with skulls or something as long as it's cheap. I have no problem with it, as long as you don't try to be fake ';I'm emo'; just because of it. Just tell her to let you have your own style and she can't hold on forever. Took about 963986480 arguments with my mom. (And my 15th birthday, mind you)
YES!!!! Ugly!!
i dont i dont. even the preppy girls wear them now. and all celebs. like nicole richie with her skull scarfs. and lindsay lohan with her black nail polish. EVERYONE is. though i guess that doesnt mean you have to too. and i guess those two girls arent good role models. but thats not what i mean. i am saying that skulls and black nail polish arent just for the goth and emo kids anymore. its a trend. they have skulls in PINK, and BABY BLUE, on things. thats not very morbid now, is it?
NO there is nothing wrong with any of that !! i wear skuls alot, my mom doesnt care, so does she ! there isnt anything bad about them ! as for the black nailpolish, my friend is going through the same thing, her mom thinks shes turning goth becasue she wears it ! it doesnt make any difference ! its just nailplish ! it comes out ! i could see if maybe you died your hair a weird colour, then she might freak out, but really, who cares ? i %26lt;3 skulls.
There is not a problem with black nail polish. Colors were not created to mean things, they were created to give variety to our little home we like to call Earth. People are fooled to think black is a dark, mean color. It is not. It's a color. Just a color, that's all. Also, pink is not girly. It's a color. Just a color. You would think adults would have more sense! Honestly. -ME
no, its very in. its not so much a dark/ grunge sort of thing that it used to be so parents who are aware of current teen fashion trends will see that its just whats in right now, mabey show your mom some websites of clothing stores you shop at thay have those types of cothing or accessories on display. rocker chic/ black %26amp; skulls is a major trend right now and as all trends will fade. its totally fine as long as it doesnt go too far to gothic devil worshiper! lol. good luck.
I'm 45, wear skulls and black nailpolish on occasion. it's fun, funky and the polish is an homage to my rock'n'roll hero, Freddie Mercury, who wore black nail polish in the 1970's. I have no problem with either and wearing something isn't going to make a good person turn bad or whatever. The skulls are from two sources, one from the Pirates' of The Caribbean movies, and from Galliano's spring and fall couture collections from several years ago. Like all movie and couture trends it trickled down to mall stores. The black nail polish has been around since the middle of the 1960's for goodness sake! It's a colour of nail polish, it doesn't really mean anything, I see so many parents who have so have so little confidence in how they raise their kids that they take it out on the kids with things that aren't important. So here's something for your mom, from a mother of teenagers:

Seriously Mom, show your daughter a little respect for her taste and trust that YOU have raised her well and as such that she is a good person no matter what nail colour she wears. Seriously Mom, you need to choose your battles with your kids, and choose wisely because if they are going to hate you, --and they will trust me on that--make sure they are hating you for something really important and not so superficial and meaningless as a nail colour or a silly picture on a t-shirt. When she's forty years old and still not talking to you because of long term resentment issues, will that black nail polish or silly picture t-shirt or any of those other really meaningless things --will those things have really have been THAT important? If you've raised her well so far, then TRUST YOURSELF and the job you've done so far and give her a little freedom to express herself. You're going to have to learn to trust her and let her grow up and become independent some as it is, so why not start with something that isn't earth shatteringly important, like nail polish or hair colour or a picture on a t-shirt? She's going to do her own thing someday anyways, so let her do little things now rather than risk the big acting out rebellion a few years from now.
i personally think they look scary, dont make you feel very happy, dont particularily look good, and usually portray you as being a ';bad kid';. that said, its your clothes and your mom should respect that.
No most people think other people with black nail polish is Gothic but that's not entirely true you can wear black nail polish to put pink polka dots on it if you want to.Its just something other people really like to do or maybe black is their favorite color.Its just something natural.

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well, if you want to look like your going to a funeral. the ';goth'; look is actually quite tired, and will not go over past highschool. Take it from me, i used to wear the same crap in school-but when i found out that wearing normal colors and less black, i looked and felt much better about myself. your mother simply does not want you to look like a freak, which unfortunately, you will. trust me, as an ex-goth i know laugh at the sad kids walking around insisting upon looking like they mourn the world. what do i know? im just 23.....
No if it looks good on your skin i would wear it iit doesnt mean you are goth or anything it can actually be a fashion skulls can look good if its NOT TOO MANY
no but my mom wont let me wear it either well actually i know she wont i never tried but i do have a top with skull and heart print

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