Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Does anybody have any natural remedies for getting rid of a fungal toe nail problem?

Only one toenail is affected. The symptoms are thickened toenail. I cannot cut it with a toenail clipper. Also color is a light yellowish green. Please I would appreciate answers from people who actually had this condition and were able to get rid of it. And don't tell me to urinate on it because I won't.Does anybody have any natural remedies for getting rid of a fungal toe nail problem?
Soak your feet in Pau D'arco. You can get it in tea formula at most health food stores. You can also use turmeric. Just mix with some water and apply with a cotton ball.Does anybody have any natural remedies for getting rid of a fungal toe nail problem?
Vicks vapo rub is what the podiatrist recommend here in my area. Tea tree oil is also effective.

I've never heard that vicks is an ';anti-fungal'; agent!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just try anti-fungal agents e.g. oil of oregano, etc.
I had the same problem with a big toe.First of all,always dry your feet completely before putting on socks/shoes.Moisture can hold Bacteria in and cause infections.Never walk outside without some type of shoes on.Don't share socks/shoes with anyone.

I went to the doctor with mine and he gave me an anti fungus polish you coat the nail with ..cost a fortune!! didn't work.

I soaked my foot in a mixture of warm water and peroxide every day for a week and it took it away.....
I am currently working on this same problem. It is a family problem because my mother has the same condition. Her toe has cleared up but it did take about 6 months

The best thing is tea tree oil but it around the toe and I have a nail brush (like nail polish brush) and make sure the oil gets under the nail also. You must do this consitantly other wise the fungus will begin growing again.

I figure I have about another 4 months - the summer did me in though because it was ugly and I covered with nail polish which is not a good thing to do the darkness creates an atmosphere for it to grow worse

I have also heard apple cider vingar but it just stinks way to bad
I have never heard the Vicks remedy and I bet it is a old wives tale. My husband had this problem for years and nothing worked until we tried Oil of Oregano. You put a few drops on the toe and under the nail every day for several months, but you see results almost right away. You can get the oil from any place that sales Essential Oils and I order it from the internet. My husband stopped putting it on when it got better, but it came back, so I recommend using it for 3-6 months. His is completely gone now after a year. His toenail was so thick that I would have to cut it with a razor and file it down because the clippers would not go around it. He treated the toes on either side of it too just in case. You can also use Oregano Oil for lots of other things. It will clear up a cold or sinus infection in a few days and my dentist told me I had the beginnings of gum disease and I started putting a drop in my toothbrush when I brush my teeth and my dentist is amazed that my gums are completely cleared up. Look it up on google and you will see all the uses for it.......It really works !!!!!
doubt any of that will work, toenail fungus is very hard to get rid of, he'll probably need to get a prescription antifungal from the doc to take for several months
Tea Tree worked for me, but I had to use it for months. I also used patchouli oil which has a really earthy smell, occasionally using both in a mix. Vaporub is NOT the same thing. You could also try boosting your immune system by taking Echinacea Drops every day. Tratment of your toe should be holistic; try to stay off sugars and white bread made with yeast; avoid alcohol, anything yeast based. Up your intake of veggies, especially Onions, garlic and broccoli. the infection is an opportunistic one that has sneaked in because your immune defences are weakened, for some reason. There is no quick fix for it, and it will take several months. Also increase your intake of plain water to flush out the toxins.
this is the best cure...Vick's vapor rub..this may sound funny but it really
Dr. Gott from the newsaper column says that many of his readers have used Vick's vapor rub on toenail fungus with great success. Anything you use will take a long time, even prescription medications. I would try the Vicks.
soak your foot in bleach water or try to rub it with Vicks vapor rub. I know it sounds silly, but it works. Put the Vicks on and cover it with just a sock when you go to bed.

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