Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nail Techs help!!! I am having lifting problems lately where there were none, is it the cold weather?

Also, does the cold make the primer go bad???Nail Techs help!!! I am having lifting problems lately where there were none, is it the cold weather?
Cold weather can wreak havoc on your hands and nails. Special care must be taken during the winter months to combat the nail-related problems associated with this time of year. Some of the nail conditions you are likely to see include brittle nail syndrome, bacterial infections, and Raynaud's Phenomenon. One consequence of cold weather is decreased circulation to the fingers and toes, which can result in Raynaud's Phenomenon. It may cause fingers to become discoloured, alternating from red to white to blue and is often painful. Wearing gloves is recommended for people who have this condition because gloves keep the fingers warmer, thus improving blood flow to the nail area. If the symptoms become severe, do not improve, or continue to get worse, then you should see a dermatologist.
  • whitening cream
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