Sunday, January 17, 2010

Finger nail Problems!!!?

I wear fake acrilic nails! Earlier 2day I hit my finger on the door and my fake nail came off as well as my REAL one!! It's so painful i almost cant take it; my finger is throbing like crazy it hurts soooooooooooooooo bad!! What should i do??Finger nail Problems!!!?
Kinda the same thing happened to me. But my finger was shut in the door and along with losing my nail (fake and real) I broke my finger. Just make sure to clean it everyday, put non-stick gauze on it so its tight (but not so tight you are cutting off circulation). Then at night wrap it again but very loosely. Take some pain meds and you should be fine.Finger nail Problems!!!?
Ouch!I am sorry,it must be very painful.I don't think there is much you can do.It has to hurt until it can put some ice on it and take some painkillers.If you have something with codeine,that will help a lot.Make sure to keep it clean.
Put a bandage on it. It's going to hurt like hell and will take a while to grow back, so just keep it covered for a while.
same thing happened to me in sign langauge class

what i did

was i covered it with like 6 band aids

and kept it clean

and then eventualy i took the bandaids off and let it dry

and in about a week the nail grew back
Keep it clean and covered during the day (change the bandage often) and let it get air at night.

Use ice or Advil if the pain is too much.

Good luck!

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