Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Guitarists, and why not girls.. unite.... nail problems... lol seriously?

So I have been playing guitar for some while but my nails break too often... especially my index finger nail... any help. anything to make it stronger. anything.. thanksGuitarists, and why not girls.. unite.... nail problems... lol seriously?
From one completely nongay guitar player to another completely nongay guitar player... There are some nail hardeners you can buy at like walmart and stuff. It goes on like nail polish I think and when you try to take it off it looks like it has little strings going through it.Guitarists, and why not girls.. unite.... nail problems... lol seriously?
Uh, Sally Hennson makes a product called Strong Healthy Nails, or something like that, you can find it in the nail polish isle, and its basically a clear coat that helps to strengthen your nails. It will make them look shiny when its on, like any other clear coat. But yeah, I play guitar and lol I can't have nails! They get in the way when i'm trying to play, so I always clip them really short anyways
The best way to make your nails hard is to do like these classic guitar player. Put a clear coat of nail polish or nail hardener on your nails. Music stores also have it and drug sotres. It is acrylic based and does not affect the tone of the notes either.
ALL guitairsts do have this problem sometimes...

This is why you should clip your fingernails short so you

can play guitar easier. Its up to you really...just some advice
Use a pick.

And if you go into the cosmetics section of any store, around where they sell the fake press-on-nails, YOu will find nail strengthener. It looks lyk sail polish but there usually clear.


Sincerely, ME!


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