Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to overcome my nail biting problem?

ive been biting my nailsfor years and i cant stop... ive tried really hard to stop but everything i do fails.. i chew gum, and sun flower seeds but it doesnt help and i put nasty flavored stuff on my fingers once in a while. it sucks because ill chew my nails to the point where my fingers hurt and my nails arent long enough to chew. it suckss. please helpHow to overcome my nail biting problem?
I have the same problem! And I use the nasty tasting suff too but it doesn't help. I would like to know the answer myself.How to overcome my nail biting problem?
when ur at home make sure u wear gloves (the fuzzy kind so when u try u'll get fuzzy stuff all over ur tongue its really gross). when ur not at home walk with ur hand in ur pocket, chew gum and get a little things to play with to keep ur hands busy. i would think the finger stuff would work but if it doesn't try those. i don't personally know but i've heard those ideas.
i would probably say to keep yourself occupied all the time (draw,write anything) it works i that that problem too.
actually go to somewhere like boots, savers, superdrug + ask for something 2 stop nailbiting..its a pot, with a really strong liquid inside that u dip ur fingers in + trust me it tastes vile!
What worked for me was to tidy them up with a file as best as possible then try to let them grow and keep them looking nice and imagine how you would waste all this effort by biting them and how much better they now look especially to the opposite sex,they do check out your fingers.
I feel your pain! Nail biting is a very difficult habit to break. Your fingers are always with you, so it's easy to bite them without thinking about it.

You might try wrapping them with tape or band aids. That way there is a physical barrier stopping you.

It takes lots of discipline, but it can be done.

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